Source code for empyrealSDK.types.application

from functools import singledispatchmethod
from typing import Optional
from uuid import UUID

from eth_typing import ChecksumAddress
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from ..utils.client import _force_get_global_client, _set_global_client
from .wallet import Wallet
from .user import User

[docs] class Application(BaseModel): """ This represents an Application, which allows a builder to use the SDK. """ id: UUID = Field() name: str type: str tier: str api_key: str = Field(alias="apiKey") swap_fee: int = Field(alias="swapFee") fee_collection_amount: int = Field(alias="feeCollectionAmount") request_count: int = Field(alias="requestCount") # types owner: Optional[User] = Field() app_wallet: Optional[Wallet] = Field(alias="appWallet")
[docs] @classmethod async def load(self, api_key: Optional[str] = None): """ Loads an instance of the current empyrealSDK user's application. If an `api_key` is provided, this will create a new global client. Otherwise, the currently set application from the global context is loaded. Token :class:`empyrealSDK.types.Token` """ from empyrealSDK import EmpyrealSDK if api_key: new_client = EmpyrealSDK(api_key) _set_global_client(new_client) return new_client client: EmpyrealSDK = _force_get_global_client() return await
[docs] async def update_swap_fee(self, swap_fee: float): """ Update your applications swap fee. Swap Fee must be set less than 2%. """ client = _force_get_global_client() if swap_fee > 0.02: raise ValueError("Swap Fee must be less than 2%") response = await swap_fee=int(swap_fee * 1_000_000), ) obj = response.json() for key in obj["updates"]: setattr(self, key, obj["updates"][key]) return self
[docs] @singledispatchmethod async def update_app_wallet(self, wallet: Wallet): """ Update your applications swap fee. Swap Fee must be set less than 2%. """ client = _force_get_global_client() return await, )
@update_app_wallet.register(str) async def _(self, wallet_address: ChecksumAddress): """ Update your fee recipient wallet. """ client = _force_get_global_client() wallet = await Wallet.load(wallet_address) return await, )
[docs] async def refresh_api_key(self): """ Update your applications swap fee. Swap Fee must be set less than 2%. """ client = _force_get_global_client() new_api_key = await self.api_key = new_api_key return self