Source code for empyrealSDK.types.dex

from import Sequence
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from typing import Optional, Literal, Union

from eth_typing import ChecksumAddress, HexAddress, HexStr
from pydantic import BaseModel

from .token import Token, TokenAmount
from .wallet import Wallet
from .network import Network
from ..utils.client import _force_get_global_client

[docs] class Liquidity(BaseModel): token0_balance: int token0_price: Optional[float] = None token1_balance: int token1_price: Optional[float] = None pair: "DexPair" @property def token0_value(self): # TODO: handle invalid prices if self.token0_price: return ( self.token0_price * self.token0_balance / 10**self.pair.token0.decimals ) return -0.5 @property def token1_value(self): # TODO: handle invalid prices if self.token1_price: return ( self.token1_price * self.token1_balance / 10**self.pair.token1.decimals ) return -0.5 @property def value(self): return round(self.token0_value * 2, 2) def __repr__(self): token0_symbol = self.pair.token0.symbol token1_symbol = self.pair.token1.symbol token0 = self.token0_balance / 10**self.pair.token0.decimals token1 = self.token1_balance / 10**self.pair.token1.decimals return f"<Liquidity: ${format(self.value, ',')} ({token0_symbol}: {token0}, {token1_symbol}: {token1})>" __str__ = __repr__
[docs] class DexRoute(BaseModel): path: list[ChecksumAddress] fees: list[int] = [] pair_addresses: list[ChecksumAddress] eth_price: TokenAmount usdc_price: TokenAmount factory: "DexFactory" network: Network def __repr__(self): return f"<DexRoute | path={self.path} | eth_price: {self.eth_price.format(8)}, usdc_price: ${self.usdc_price.format(6)}>"
[docs] async def simulate( self, amount_in: int, sender: ChecksumAddress, use_eth: bool = True, ) -> TokenAmount: """ Simulate a swap for a specific route """ return await self.factory.simulate_swap( self.path, amount_in, sender, fees=self.fees, use_eth=use_eth,, )
__str__ = __repr__
[docs] class DexFactory(Enum): UniswapV2 = "uniswap" # 0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f def __init__(self, *args): = Network.Ethereum def __getitem__(self, network: Network): = network @property def weth(self): # TODO: handle by chain_id return "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"
[docs] async def get_taxes( self, token0_address, token1_address=None, chain_id: int = 1, ): """ Get swap taxes for a token """ if not token1_address: token1_address = self.weth client = _force_get_global_client() taxes = await client.prices.get_taxes( token0_address, token1_address, chain_id=chain_id, ) return taxes
[docs] @singledispatchmethod async def get_price( self, token_address: ChecksumAddress, ): """ Get the price for a token using the best route to WETH/USDC """ client = _force_get_global_client() routes = await client.prices.get_routes(token_address) return [ DexRoute( path=row["path"], pair_addresses=row["pair_addresses"], eth_price=TokenAmount( amount=int(row["eth_price"] * 1e18), ), usdc_price=TokenAmount( amount=int(row["usdc_price"] * 1e6), decimals=6, ), factory=self,, ) for row in routes ]
@get_price.register(Token) async def _( self, token: Token, ): return await self.get_price(token.address)
[docs] async def get_pair_info( self, pair_address: HexAddress, force_checksum: bool = True, chain_id: int = 1, ): """ Get metadata for a particular LP Pair. """ client = _force_get_global_client() pair_info = await client.prices.get_pair_info( pair_address, force_checksum=force_checksum, chain_id=chain_id, ) token0 = Token(**pair_info["token0"]) token1 = Token(**pair_info["token1"]) return DexPair( factory_address=pair_info["factoryAddress"], token0=token0, token1=token1, address=pair_info["pairAddress"], index=pair_info["index"], fee=pair_info["feePercentage"], network=Network(pair_info["chainId"]), block_number=pair_info["blockNumber"], transaction_hash=pair_info["transactionHash"], factory=self, )
[docs] async def get_pairs( self, token: Token, ) -> list["DexPair"]: """ A simple function get all pairs with a token. :return: A list of all pairs associated with a token """ client = _force_get_global_client() pairs = await client.prices.get_token_pairs( token_address=token.address,, ) return [ DexPair( factory_address=row["factoryAddress"], token0=Token(**row["token0"]), token1=Token(**row["token1"]), address=row["pairAddress"], index=row["index"], fee=row["feePercentage"], network=Network(row["chainId"]), block_number=row["blockNumber"], transaction_hash=row["transactionHash"], factory=self, ) for row in pairs ]
[docs] async def simulate_swap( self, path: Sequence[Literal["eth"] | ChecksumAddress], amount_in: int, sender: ChecksumAddress, fees: list[int] = [], use_eth: bool = True, network: Network = Network.Ethereum, ) -> TokenAmount: """ Simulate a swap on a given path """ client = _force_get_global_client() result = await client.swap.simulate( path, amount_in, sender, fees, dex=self.value, chain_id=network.chain_id, use_eth=use_eth, ) token = Token(**result["token"]) return TokenAmount( amount=int(result["amountOut"]), decimals=token.decimals, token=token, )
[docs] async def swap( self, path: list[ChecksumAddress], wallet: Wallet, amount_in: Union[TokenAmount, int], slippage_percent: float, priority_fee: int = 0, is_private: bool = False, fees: list[int] = [], use_eth: bool = True, network: Network = Network.Ethereum, ) -> HexStr: """ :param path: swap path, consisting of the token addresses to swap through :param from_wallet: :class:`empyrealSDK.Wallet` executing the swap :param amount_in: :class:`empyrealSDK.TokenAmount` tokens being spent :param fees: only used for uniswapV3, ignore for more pairs :return: Transaction Hash """ client = _force_get_global_client() raw_amount_in: int = ( amount_in.amount if isinstance(amount_in, TokenAmount) else amount_in ) result = await client.swap.swap( path, raw_amount_in,, slippage_percent=slippage_percent, priority_fee=priority_fee, is_private=is_private, chain_id=network.chain_id, use_eth=use_eth, fees=fees, dex=self.value, ) return result
class SwapInterval(BaseModel): start_time: datetime open: float close: float tx_count: int min: float max: float prev_close: float
[docs] class SwapHistory(BaseModel): pair: "DexPair" intervals: list[SwapInterval] @property def timestamps(self): return [s.start_time for s in self.intervals] @property def opens(self): return [ for s in self.intervals] @property def closes(self): return [s.close for s in self.intervals] @property def mins(self): return [s.min for s in self.intervals] @property def maxs(self): return [s.max for s in self.intervals] def __repr__(self): return f"<SwapHistory: {self.pair.address}>" __str__ = __repr__
[docs] class DexPair(BaseModel): factory_address: ChecksumAddress token0: Token token1: Token address: ChecksumAddress index: int fee: Optional[float] network: Network block_number: int transaction_hash: HexStr factory: DexFactory
[docs] async def get_liquidity(self, block_number: Optional[int] = None): client = _force_get_global_client() response = await client.prices.get_liquidity( token_address=self.address,, block_number=block_number, ) return Liquidity( token0_balance=response["balances"]["token0"]["amount"], token0_price=response["balances"]["token0"]["price"], token1_balance=response["balances"]["token1"]["amount"], token1_price=response["balances"]["token1"]["price"], pair=self, )
[docs] async def get_taxes(self): return await self.factory.get_taxes( self.token0.address, self.token1.address, )
[docs] async def swap_history( self, use_token0: bool = True, start_time=None, end_time=None ): client = _force_get_global_client() feed = await client.prices.load_feed( self.address, use_token0=use_token0, ) response = [] for row in sorted(feed.split("\n"))[1:]: ( interval, open, close, min, max, min_block, max_block, num_tx, prev_close, ) = row.split(",") response.append( SwapInterval( start_time=datetime.strptime(interval, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00"), open=float(open), close=float(close), min=float(min), max=float(max), tx_count=int(num_tx), prev_close=float(prev_close if prev_close != "None" else open), ) ) return SwapHistory(pair=self, intervals=response)
[docs] async def swap( self, wallet: Wallet, amount: int, priority_fee: int, is_private: bool, use_token0: bool, ): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def honeypot(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError()
def __repr__(self): return f"<DexPair: {self.token0.symbol}, {self.token1.symbol}>" __str__ = __repr__